luni, august 23, 2010

21st Century Socialism, Bolivarianism and Hugo Chávez

Mult iubitul preşedinte al Republici Bolivariene a Venezuelei, Hugo Chávez are noi motive de bucurie. Revoluţia bolivariana a dat în sfârşit rezulate. Venezuela este pe primul loc în lume.

Venezuela, More Deadly Than Iraq, Wonders Why

CARACAS, Venezuela — Some here joke that they might be safer if they lived in Baghdad. The numbers bear them out.

In Iraq, a country with about the same population as Venezuela, there were 4,644 civilian deaths from violence in 2009, according to Iraq Body Count; in Venezuela that year, the number of murders climbed above 16,000.

Even Mexico’s infamous drug war has claimed fewer lives.

Evident cum articolul este din New York Times (Venezuela, More Deadly Than Iraq, Wonders Why) nu putem să credem ce scrie pentru că se supără respectatul analist politic Sean Penn.

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